Course Overview

You may have heard the terms ascension, the shift, or 3D / 5D. What does it all mean and why is it affecting you?

The universe / multi-verse is going through a major growth spurt — as is humankind. As more intense energies move through our planetary system, some people on earth are experiencing physical, mental and emotional symptoms of what is called "ascension" or "the shift". ‍ Those who are not aware of what's happening, sometimes think they are going crazy: erratic thoughts, disorientation, seeing/hearing things, feeling 'out of body', feeling overly anxious or depressed. If this resonates with you, hang on. There is relief. Much like the growing pains you may have experienced as a child, the ascension journey can be painful. But with some gentle guidance, you can make it through!

Course curriculum

Course curriculum in progress

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About this course

  • Free
  • 0 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Course Themes

  • What is ascension?

    ..and why is it so darn painful? In the course introduction, we'll explore the terminology and mechanics of the energy shift in the universe and your light body expansion.

  • Symptoms

    A complete review of 37 body, mind, emotional and behavioral symptoms associated with the ascension process including some unique hacks for relief.

  • Facing your Fears

    In this module, we'll discuss some of the common fears associated with making the shift and offer gentle guidance for releasing resistance and anxiety.

  • Bridging Two Worlds

    Living between the 3D and 5D worlds isn't easy. This module will help you adjust your perspective, expectations and resilience.

  • Strategies

    Beyond simply relieving the symptoms of the ascension process, these strategies will help your physical, mental and emotional energy bodies to acclimate and balance the new earth energy.

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